Thinking about Jesus

wonderings, contemplatings, musings, marvelings, and manymany thoughts about my Jesus my Savior my King my Heart who loves

Friday, November 04, 2005

i ate too much

today was grand. God did change my heart and my frustration. i woke up mad, right? i was fixin to walk into work and say, "i'm mad." but i didn't have the chance! i did get there seventeen minutes late (nobody cared! store's not open yet..) and the moment i crossed the threshold of our department, i was greeted with everything ranging from "hey shugah!" to "YAY she's here!" and later on, "hey, loser" (lol i looked up/responded when he said, "hey, loser"). and then marsha asked me to take care of all the labor stuff while she and sarah unloaded some gyp, sunflowers, and curly willow. i developed blisters on all the soft cushions of my right palm from twisting a pair of plyers around some wingnuts, tightening the tables. those rickety, black tables of death. it was good; we got to decorate Christmas style. oooOoOOoooooOooo...

i was mad, but not really sure why. went to bed kind of mad...mad like crazy...or something...and then one reason i was mad in the morning was because i felt fat. there's nothing worse than feeling fat, whether you are or not. nothing. i promise. i came home and felt fat. but i wasn't just mad anymore; it was just mad at fat feelings. it was worse earlier on because throughout the day, the chefs and cooks and things were cooking up a storm of bread, entrees, and sides! they made cakes and pies and cheese things! they were cooking for experience since we're opening the store on the eleventh...and then they fed every department there! so, i got even fatter-feeling with mmmmm good things.

so i've decided that tonight i'm going to read some of "Do You Think I'm Beautiful?" because i'm not feelin' it. lol i might post again tonight, but it might be tomorrow. i'm sorry these blogs are so unpolished! i promise i find a groove and snuggle in's just rough setting up a pattern at first. i'll get it. i'm sorry you have to read this! better things will present themselves.


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