Thinking about Jesus

wonderings, contemplatings, musings, marvelings, and manymany thoughts about my Jesus my Savior my King my Heart who loves

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

simple beginnings

i was driving home from the grocery store, eating Blue Bell ice cream straight from the carton with a plastic spoon stolen from the HEB deli, when it occured to me that my time on earth ought not to be wasted. there are many things i regret not doing in the past, and one of those things includes wishing that i had kept both hands on the steering wheel and my thoughts on the road. you see, two seconds after my epiphany, i had a head-on collision with a small punchbuggy the color is red. the other driver and i died right away, so i decided to go to heaven, since Jesus had promised to save me a seat. when i got there, i found out that God already knew i was coming and He ran and gave me a big big hug! we looked around for the other driver, but then gave up. but since both of us had tons of wisdom and knowledge (and He even more!) we knew he was actually not dead, but just sitting on the side of the road, quite shaken. then i apologized for the confusion because i thought he had died, but he really just looked dead; it was me who had died. he was okay. that made his family happy.

i don't even know where this is going. i had that epiphany, put down the ice cream, and since i'm trying to tamp down my lust for myspace,....ohno i have to go!!!


At 10:50 AM, Blogger Elias said...

so, they have the Internet in heaven?

At 3:24 PM, Blogger awlear said...

ha, no, poopsmith! i just have to think some words and it appears on the internet.

At 9:22 PM, Blogger Elias said...

wow, that's amazing! can God do that?

At 8:19 PM, Blogger awlear said...

hm, interesting, evil!

and that's silly; nobody can kill God. i don't know what you mean.


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